Meet Nitrogen Demand Early in the Season for Optimum Yield and Quality
Apples have a high demand for nitrogen very early in the season. Nitrogen uptake starts at bud break and peaks at full bloom where a sustained amount is needed till harvest.
Applying YaraLiva calcium nitrate prior to bloom at the right rate is critical for tree health and longevity, fruit yield and quality, and your profitability.
Supply the Right Nitrogen Source to your Trees
Apple tree uptake and utilization of nitrogen start early – during the pollination and fruit set period. It is critical that the plant have nutrients in the correct amount and form to reach maximum yield and quality potential.
Apple trees prefer N in the nitrate form. The nitrate-N supplied by YaraLiva fertilizers is available for plant uptake and enhances the uptake of other important nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and potassium.
Ensure Calcium is Available to your Apples
Calcium plays a critical role in cell division and cell wall strength, and plasma membrane control of nutrient and water uptake. These processes are all dependent upon having a plant-available, soluble calcium fertilizer source that continually feeds the plant. Without calcium, plant health and crop quality are greatly compromised.
Since calcium is taken up with water through the roots, high solubility of the calcium source is essential. Calcium Nitrate is an important tool for growers due to its solubility compared with other calcium soil amendments. Insoluble calcium sources will not provide adequate calcium fertility during critical uptake periods.