
Yara Megalab™ is an Internet based, secure system offering interpretation and biometric data services from agricultural analysis.

Megalab™ now operates through a network of partner labs, processing data from all areas of the world. Europe, North and South America, Australasia, South Africa and the Far East all receive information from the Megalab™ system. 

Developed since 1990, the system operates 365 days a year, 24 hours a day reporting product recommendations into the field for Yara customers globally.  

The Megalab™ service:

  • Fast and accurate results via web or e-mail
  • Complete reports on the crop nutritional status
  • Crop program recommendations tailor made on specific crop needs

Interpretation of analysis is key

Successful crop management relies on knowledge of any factors that could potentially limit yields. Whether that be deficiency or excess of a nutrient, getting the correct balance depends on measuring nutrient levels in plant tissue and soils prior to application.

Soil Analysis is a predictive tool giving background knowledge on the soil nutrient levels as well as other factors that need to be considered before making applications such as pH, CEC and the Lime requirement. When extreme levels are found, changes to the Yara crop program will need to be made to compensate as high levels of some nutrients can make others unavailable to the crop. A balance is required for healthy growth.

Tissue analysis is a reactive tool, It offers the crops current nutritional status and allows curative action to be taken as required. Tissues include leaf samples, petiole samples, fruit and fruitlet samples.

More uses

Analysis is an effective way of judging the amount of nutrients required so that over application does not occur, helping the environment as well as being economically useful to the grower. Application of the correct amount of nutrient at the correct timings leads to good yields despite reduction in application. Legislation in some countries requires growers to undertake analysis of their land and crops prior to any application because of this environmental benefit.

First time you're using Megalab™?

  • Ask your local Yara distributor or representative
  • Collect homogeneous samples of your crop/soil
  • Complete data required for every sample and send them where requested
  • Get the results via internet or through your local Yara distributor