YaraVita® ZINTRAC™

Image of YaraVita® ZINTRAC™
YaraVita ZINTRAC is a highly concentrated flowable zinc formulation containing 8-10 times more zinc than a typical liquid chelate and 3-4 times that of sulfate or nitrate-based liquids.

The fluid formulation makes it easy to measure, pour and mix the product in the spray tank while giving the highest nutrient content.

The product is specifically formulated to provide maximum crop safety. This helps to ensure that the application will not cause damage to the crop which can reduce its market value.

The purity of raw materials selected for this product makes it safe for application to the crop and helps ensure that the harvested produce will not be rejected at any point in the supply chain.

A controlled particle size gives quick uptake and long-lasting effect. This reduces the need for repeat applications saving both time and money.

A broad tank mixability makes it easy to co-apply the products with agrochemicals, saving both time and money. Just as important, free access to Tankmix information online or via smartphones makes it quick and easy to check whether products can be co-applied.


Cucumber (field grown): 0.3 to 1 pint per acre at the 2 to 4 leaf stage. Repeat at 10 to 14 days intervals if necessary. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons per acre.


Ginseng: 2 applications of 1 pint/acre at early spring regrowth and prior to senescence. Water rate: 50 gallons/acre.

Nuts (Deciduous)

Nuts (deciduous): 1 quart/acre applied during dormancy or early bud burst and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Alternatively: 8 oz per acre at bud burst, at the newly formed fruit stage and again 15 days later. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.

Soil application

Soil Application: 3 pints to 4 quarts/acre pre-planting or pre-emergence. Water rate: 5 gallons/acre minimum.


Chili: 1 pint/acre applied from the 4 to 6 leaf stage onwards. Repeat applications may be necessary. Water rate: 20 to 50 gallons/acre

Fertiliser Impregnation

Fertilizer impregnation: May be coated onto dry fertilizer granules. N.B. Must not be used with a straight ammonium nitrate fertilizer, or any fertilizers containing ammonium nitrate which may have self-sustaining decomposition properties.


Artichoke: 1 pint per acre applied from the 4 to 6 leaf stage onwards. Repeat applications may be necessary. Water rate: 50 gallons per acre


Asparagus: 1 pint per acre at the beginning of growth when there is sufficient leaf surface to intercept the spray. Water rate: 20 gallons per acre.


Celery: 1 pint per acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat 10 to 14 days later if necessary. Water rate: 20 gallons per acre.


Zucchini/Courgette (field grown): 1 pint/acre at the 2 to 4 leaf stage. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals if necessary. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre


Pecans: 1 quart/acre applied during dormancy or early bud burst and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Alternatively: 8 oz per acre at bud burst, at the newly formed fruit stage and again 15 days later. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.

Groundnuts / peanuts

Groundnuts/Peanuts: 0.5 to 1 pints/acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre.


Chestnuts: 1 quart/acre applied during dormancy or early bud burst and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Pistachios: 1 quart/acre applied during dormancy or early bud burst and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Alternatively: 8 oz per acre at bud burst, at the newly formed fruit stage and again 15 days later. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Hazelnuts: 1 quart/acre applied during dormancy or early bud burst and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Alternatively: 8 oz per acre at bud burst, at the newly formed fruit stage and again 15 days later. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Walnuts: 1 quart/acre applied during dormancy or early bud burst and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Alternatively: 8 oz per acre at bud burst, at the newly formed fruit stage and again 15 days later. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Tobacco: 1 pint/acre two to three weeks after transplanting (3 to 4 leaf stage). Repeat 10-14 days later if necessary. Water rate 3 to 50 gallons per acre.


Hops: Apply 1 pint per acre. Beginning at early spring growth. Repeat in 14-28 days as new vines develop. Water rate: minimum 40 gallons per acre.


Garlic: ¼ to 1 pint/acre when sufficient leaf area to intercept spray. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre.


Conifers: 2 applications of 1 pint/acre once there is new season leaf production and again in early autumn. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Kiwi: 1 pint per acre applied from bud burst to first leaves fully expanded. Repeat after harvest, before senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons per acre.


Blueberries (high bush only): Apply 1 pint/acre just before onset of leaf drop. Repeat the application at bud separation the following fruiting season. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre.


Collards: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.

Nursery Stock / Ornamentals

Nursery/Ornamentals: 5 pints in 100 gallons water (0.625% v/v) as soon as there is sufficient leaf area to intercept a spray. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Avoid applications during flowering. Spray a maximum of three applications per crop per annum. Note: Do not apply within one month of picking / marketing. Maximum water rate: 20 gallons/acre.


Oranges: 1 pint/acre applied during spring flush and again during autumn flush. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Grapefruit: 1 pint/acre applied during spring flush and again during autumn flush. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Lemon: 1 pint/acre applied during spring flush and again during autumn flush. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Nectarines: 1 pint to 1 quart/acre applied at winter bud or pink bud and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Plums: 1 pint to 1 quart/acre applied at winter bud or pink bud and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Pears: 1 pint to 1 quart/acre at bud burst. For moderate to severe deficiency repeat application at the same rate at a 10 to 14 day interval. Avoid flowering. Apply again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Peaches: 1 pint to 1 quart/acre applied at winter bud or pink bud and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Olive: 1 pint per acre applied at bud break and again at the opening of the calyx. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons per acre.


Cherries: 1 pint to 1 quart/acre applied at winter bud or pink bud and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Apricots: 1 pint to 1 quart/acre applied at winter bud or pink bud and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Cucurbits (field grown): 1 pint/acre at the 2 to 4 leaf stage. Repeat at 10 to 14 days intervals if necessary. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.

Squash (Field Grown)

Squash: 1 pint/acre at the 2 to 4 leaf stage. Repeat at 10 to 14 days intervals if necessary. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre.


Pumpkin: 1 pint/acre at the 2 to 4 leaf stage. Repeat at 10 to 14 days intervals if necessary. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre.


Spinach: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Water rate: 20 gallons per acre.


Cereals: 1 pint/acre from 2 leaf stage to first node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 12 to 31). Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.

Green Bean

Green bean: 1.5 pints per acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage, or sooner when deficiency is visible. Repeat 10 to 14 days later if necessary. Water rate: 20 gallons per acre.

Amenity Grass

Turf: 0.4 fl.oz./1000 sq.ft. as soon as growth commences in spring and /or following identification of need by analysis. Repeat sprays at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Water rate: 0.5 gallons/1000 sq.ft.


Wheat: 1 pint/acre from 2 leaf stage to first node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 12 to 31). Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.


Sugar Cane: 1 pint/acre when plants are 2 to 4 feet tall. Repeat applications may be necessary. Water rate: 35 gallons/acre


Sorghum: 1 pint/acre from 3 to 8 leaf stage. For severe deficiency repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.


Rye: 1 pint/acre from 2 leaf stage to first node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 12 to 31). Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.


Oats: 1 pint/acre from 2 leaf stage to first node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 12 to 31). Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.


Barley: 1 pint/acre from 2 leaf stage to first node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 12 to 31). Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.

Grapes (wine)

Grapes (wine): 1 pint/acre applied at flower buds visible and again at flower buds separated or at fruit set. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Cauliflower: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre.


Kale: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.


Canola: 1 pint to 1 quart/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.

Chinese Cabbage

Chinese cabbage: 1 pint per acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 5 to 50 gallons per acre.


Calabrese: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.


Cabbage: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels Sprouts: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.


Broccoli: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.

Papaya / Paw Paw

Papaya / paw paw: 1 pint per acre applied at each early flush of growth. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons per acre.


Peas: 1 pint/acre when crop is 2 to 6 inches tall. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.

Grapes (table)

Grapes (table): 1 pint/acre applied at flower buds visible and again at flower buds separated or at fruit set. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Pomegranate: 1 pint per acre applied before flowering, immediately after flowering, and during fruit formation. Water rate: 100 gallons per acre

Water Melon

Water Melons (field grown): 0.5 pints/acre. Three applications at 15, 30 and 45 days after germination. Water rate: 3 to 40 gallons/acre


Raspberry: ½ pint/acre at green bud. Water rate: 50 gallons/acre.


Peppers (field grown): 1 pint/acre applied from the 4 to 6 leaf stage onwards. Repeat applications may be necessary. Water rate: 20 to 50 gallons/acre


Aubergine / eggplant: 1 pint per acre applied from the 4 to 6 leaf stage onwards. Repeat applications may be necessary. Water rate: 50 gallons per acre.

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potatoes: 1 pint/acre one week after 100% emergence or transplanting. Also, apply at the same rate following recommendation from analysis. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre.

Sugar Beet

Sugar Beet: 1 pint/acre at 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.


Carrots: 1 pint/acre when crop is 6 inches tall. For moderate to severe deficiency repeat applications at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.


Sunflower: 1 pint/acre from the 2 pairs of leaves stage. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre.


Linseed: 1 pint/acre applied when the crop is 1 to 6 inches tall. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.

Alfalfa / Lucerne

Alfalfa: 0.33 pints/acre applied to early season regrowth. Repeat 2 to 3 weeks later at the same rate. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.


Beans: 1 pint/acre when crop is 2 to 6 inches tall. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc. Dry Bean: ½ to 1 pint/acre when crop is 2 to 6 inches tall. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre.


Avocado: 1 pint/acre during spring flush and again during summer flush. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Cucumber (field grown): 0.3 to 1 pint per acre at the 2 to 4 leaf stage. Repeat at 10 to 14 days intervals if necessary. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons per acre.


Ginseng: 2 applications of 1 pint/acre at early spring regrowth and prior to senescence. Water rate: 50 gallons/acre.

Nuts (Deciduous)

Nuts (deciduous): 1 quart/acre applied during dormancy or early bud burst and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Alternatively: 8 oz per acre at bud burst, at the newly formed fruit stage and again 15 days later. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.

Soil application

Soil Application: 3 pints to 4 quarts/acre pre-planting or pre-emergence. Water rate: 5 gallons/acre minimum.


Chili: 1 pint/acre applied from the 4 to 6 leaf stage onwards. Repeat applications may be necessary. Water rate: 20 to 50 gallons/acre

Fertiliser Impregnation

Fertilizer impregnation: May be coated onto dry fertilizer granules. N.B. Must not be used with a straight ammonium nitrate fertilizer, or any fertilizers containing ammonium nitrate which may have self-sustaining decomposition properties.


Artichoke: 1 pint per acre applied from the 4 to 6 leaf stage onwards. Repeat applications may be necessary. Water rate: 50 gallons per acre


Asparagus: 1 pint per acre at the beginning of growth when there is sufficient leaf surface to intercept the spray. Water rate: 20 gallons per acre.


Celery: 1 pint per acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat 10 to 14 days later if necessary. Water rate: 20 gallons per acre.


Zucchini/Courgette (field grown): 1 pint/acre at the 2 to 4 leaf stage. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals if necessary. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre


Pecans: 1 quart/acre applied during dormancy or early bud burst and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Alternatively: 8 oz per acre at bud burst, at the newly formed fruit stage and again 15 days later. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.

Groundnuts / peanuts

Groundnuts/Peanuts: 0.5 to 1 pints/acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre.


Chestnuts: 1 quart/acre applied during dormancy or early bud burst and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Pistachios: 1 quart/acre applied during dormancy or early bud burst and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Alternatively: 8 oz per acre at bud burst, at the newly formed fruit stage and again 15 days later. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Hazelnuts: 1 quart/acre applied during dormancy or early bud burst and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Alternatively: 8 oz per acre at bud burst, at the newly formed fruit stage and again 15 days later. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Walnuts: 1 quart/acre applied during dormancy or early bud burst and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Alternatively: 8 oz per acre at bud burst, at the newly formed fruit stage and again 15 days later. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Tobacco: 1 pint/acre two to three weeks after transplanting (3 to 4 leaf stage). Repeat 10-14 days later if necessary. Water rate 3 to 50 gallons per acre.


Hops: Apply 1 pint per acre. Beginning at early spring growth. Repeat in 14-28 days as new vines develop. Water rate: minimum 40 gallons per acre.


Garlic: ¼ to 1 pint/acre when sufficient leaf area to intercept spray. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre.


Conifers: 2 applications of 1 pint/acre once there is new season leaf production and again in early autumn. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Kiwi: 1 pint per acre applied from bud burst to first leaves fully expanded. Repeat after harvest, before senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons per acre.


Blueberries (high bush only): Apply 1 pint/acre just before onset of leaf drop. Repeat the application at bud separation the following fruiting season. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre.


Collards: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.

Nursery Stock / Ornamentals

Nursery/Ornamentals: 5 pints in 100 gallons water (0.625% v/v) as soon as there is sufficient leaf area to intercept a spray. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Avoid applications during flowering. Spray a maximum of three applications per crop per annum. Note: Do not apply within one month of picking / marketing. Maximum water rate: 20 gallons/acre.


Oranges: 1 pint/acre applied during spring flush and again during autumn flush. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Grapefruit: 1 pint/acre applied during spring flush and again during autumn flush. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Lemon: 1 pint/acre applied during spring flush and again during autumn flush. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Nectarines: 1 pint to 1 quart/acre applied at winter bud or pink bud and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Plums: 1 pint to 1 quart/acre applied at winter bud or pink bud and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Pears: 1 pint to 1 quart/acre at bud burst. For moderate to severe deficiency repeat application at the same rate at a 10 to 14 day interval. Avoid flowering. Apply again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Peaches: 1 pint to 1 quart/acre applied at winter bud or pink bud and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Olive: 1 pint per acre applied at bud break and again at the opening of the calyx. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons per acre.


Cherries: 1 pint to 1 quart/acre applied at winter bud or pink bud and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Apricots: 1 pint to 1 quart/acre applied at winter bud or pink bud and again after harvest but before leaf senescence. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Cucurbits (field grown): 1 pint/acre at the 2 to 4 leaf stage. Repeat at 10 to 14 days intervals if necessary. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.

Squash (Field Grown)

Squash: 1 pint/acre at the 2 to 4 leaf stage. Repeat at 10 to 14 days intervals if necessary. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre.


Pumpkin: 1 pint/acre at the 2 to 4 leaf stage. Repeat at 10 to 14 days intervals if necessary. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre.


Spinach: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Water rate: 20 gallons per acre.


Cereals: 1 pint/acre from 2 leaf stage to first node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 12 to 31). Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.

Green Bean

Green bean: 1.5 pints per acre at the 4 to 6 leaf stage, or sooner when deficiency is visible. Repeat 10 to 14 days later if necessary. Water rate: 20 gallons per acre.

Amenity Grass

Turf: 0.4 fl.oz./1000 sq.ft. as soon as growth commences in spring and /or following identification of need by analysis. Repeat sprays at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Water rate: 0.5 gallons/1000 sq.ft.


Wheat: 1 pint/acre from 2 leaf stage to first node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 12 to 31). Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.


Sugar Cane: 1 pint/acre when plants are 2 to 4 feet tall. Repeat applications may be necessary. Water rate: 35 gallons/acre


Sorghum: 1 pint/acre from 3 to 8 leaf stage. For severe deficiency repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.


Rye: 1 pint/acre from 2 leaf stage to first node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 12 to 31). Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.


Oats: 1 pint/acre from 2 leaf stage to first node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 12 to 31). Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.


Barley: 1 pint/acre from 2 leaf stage to first node detectable (Zadok's G.S. 12 to 31). Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.

Grapes (wine)

Grapes (wine): 1 pint/acre applied at flower buds visible and again at flower buds separated or at fruit set. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Cauliflower: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre.


Kale: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.


Canola: 1 pint to 1 quart/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.

Chinese Cabbage

Chinese cabbage: 1 pint per acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 5 to 50 gallons per acre.


Calabrese: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.


Cabbage: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels Sprouts: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.


Broccoli: 1 pint/acre at the 4 to 9 leaf stage. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.

Papaya / Paw Paw

Papaya / paw paw: 1 pint per acre applied at each early flush of growth. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons per acre.


Peas: 1 pint/acre when crop is 2 to 6 inches tall. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.

Grapes (table)

Grapes (table): 1 pint/acre applied at flower buds visible and again at flower buds separated or at fruit set. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.


Pomegranate: 1 pint per acre applied before flowering, immediately after flowering, and during fruit formation. Water rate: 100 gallons per acre

Water Melon

Water Melons (field grown): 0.5 pints/acre. Three applications at 15, 30 and 45 days after germination. Water rate: 3 to 40 gallons/acre


Raspberry: ½ pint/acre at green bud. Water rate: 50 gallons/acre.


Peppers (field grown): 1 pint/acre applied from the 4 to 6 leaf stage onwards. Repeat applications may be necessary. Water rate: 20 to 50 gallons/acre


Aubergine / eggplant: 1 pint per acre applied from the 4 to 6 leaf stage onwards. Repeat applications may be necessary. Water rate: 50 gallons per acre.

Sweet Potato

Sweet Potatoes: 1 pint/acre one week after 100% emergence or transplanting. Also, apply at the same rate following recommendation from analysis. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre.

Sugar Beet

Sugar Beet: 1 pint/acre at 4 to 6 leaf stage. For moderate to severe deficiency, repeat applications should be made at the above rate at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc.


Carrots: 1 pint/acre when crop is 6 inches tall. For moderate to severe deficiency repeat applications at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.


Sunflower: 1 pint/acre from the 2 pairs of leaves stage. Water rate: 20 gallons/acre.


Linseed: 1 pint/acre applied when the crop is 1 to 6 inches tall. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.

Alfalfa / Lucerne

Alfalfa: 0.33 pints/acre applied to early season regrowth. Repeat 2 to 3 weeks later at the same rate. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre.


Beans: 1 pint/acre when crop is 2 to 6 inches tall. Water rate: 3 to 20 gallons/acre. For use in Wisconsin: YaraVita Zintrac can be applied to this crop in Wisconsin requiring a medium to high level of zinc. Dry Bean: ½ to 1 pint/acre when crop is 2 to 6 inches tall. Water rate: 5 to 20 gallons/acre.


Avocado: 1 pint/acre during spring flush and again during summer flush. Water rate: 50 to 100 gallons/acre.